Sarah Lane, PFS


As an owner of CLS Financial and a client advisor, Sarah believes in the power of finding financial freedom through informed, strategic choices. Managing and growing money is so much more than creating a budget and investing; it involves incorporating personal values, life goals, financial behaviors, and big picture strategies to achieve confidence and peace of mind. Sarah melds these elements with her technical knowledge to help clients feel empowered in their financial life.

In addition to her financial planning and investment management experience, Sarah earned her CPA license in 2006 and her Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential in 2017. Sarah was recognized in 2018 by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) with the Standing Ovation award for young planners’ contributions to the field of Financial Planning. Sarah graduated magna cum laude from the University of Oregon in Accounting and earned a Master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of Connecticut.

On a personal note, Sarah is a native Oregonian from Bend who loves to travel and learn new things. She enjoys studying Mandarin, indoor rock climbing, trying new restaurants, and playing strategy board games - but these days she spends most of her free-time chasing her young children joyfully around the backyard.

You can reach Sarah at or by calling our office at 503-244-8879.